Train the Trainer programme Eastbourne, Sussex, United Kingdom

Train the Trainer

STOP wasting money on external training that doesn’t work. Instead, train your staff to deliver off the peg training sessions in house.

Any training programme requires investment, both in time and money. And if you have a large team or higher staff turnover, hiring external trainers can be costly. It makes sense, to train internal staff to deliver training session in house and on demand. Which will save you both, the time to search for the right training company and money on expensive trainers. Plus, doing your training in house when you know those attending the course has a huge advantage as you will be able to adapt your training material depending on those who attend.

But, what if , they have no training experience?

Don’t worry, our train the trainer session will go through planning, delivery and evaluating process.

Planning and adapting training to fit individual needs and learning styles.

Delivering training depending on individual learning needs.

Evaluating the learning experience and tracking progress.

Train the trainer programme offers and insight into human learning experience, managing behaviour as well as designing training that will make an impact on others. As part of this programme you can choose one of the topics (here) we offer within the price pack. You can also license additional training at discounted price.

Get in touch to find out more information about Train the Trainer Programme.